Thursday, August 22, 2013

Causes Of Accident In Construction Site------Vol-2 (Unsafe Condition)

Most often it has been observed that most of the accidents occur due to unsafe conditions..i.e...job related causes.These job reated cause are oftento as "technical causes"

Some sources of the sane are as follows--

1) Machines: Ungurded mchines,defective condition of machines,lack of supervision, unsafe SOP. etc.

2) Equipments: Uninspected Equipments. 

3) Safety Provisions:In sufficient safety devices being use for carried out tne job.

4) Improper Working Conditions: In this some of the job which are inherently hazards..such as confind space job.

5) Psycological enviromeent: In this category workers perform their job abnormally due to mental agony,depression,tieredness, stress of job.

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