Monday, October 14, 2013

Safety In Construction & Its Involving Hazards/Identification Time.

Safety in construction encompasses all the safety aspects & measures related all constructional actovities on the ground,above the ground & underground.The structures involved may bebuldings,power plants.cement plants,bridges, chimneys,dams etc. Safety aspects need due considration...viz,:

(A) Prior to construction- Carried out Risk Assessment for controlling.

(B) During Construction - Carried out JSA/JHA.

(C) After Construction-  Carried out JSA/JHA.

The hazards involved in the construction processes & their fall out could be summerised as follows:

(1) Those hazards or accident that can cause immediate death (these may be called fatal accident)

(2) Those hazards or accident which  can cause injury or loss of limbs of the workers.

(3) Those hazards or accident which  can cause only loss of property (may be associated with the loss of man hours.)

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