Monday, October 14, 2013

Safety In Construction & Its Involving Hazards/Identification Time.

Safety in construction encompasses all the safety aspects & measures related all constructional actovities on the ground,above the ground & underground.The structures involved may bebuldings,power plants.cement plants,bridges, chimneys,dams etc. Safety aspects need due considration...viz,:

(A) Prior to construction- Carried out Risk Assessment for controlling.

(B) During Construction - Carried out JSA/JHA.

(C) After Construction-  Carried out JSA/JHA.

The hazards involved in the construction processes & their fall out could be summerised as follows:

(1) Those hazards or accident that can cause immediate death (these may be called fatal accident)

(2) Those hazards or accident which  can cause injury or loss of limbs of the workers.

(3) Those hazards or accident which  can cause only loss of property (may be associated with the loss of man hours.)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Causes Of Acccident In Construction Site (Natural Or Disaster)

3.) Natural Or Disaster:

It is content only 2% around 100 (Including 88% of Unsafe Act  & 10% of Unsafe Condition) chance of occurance an accident.The actual responsible of accident beyond the hand of mankind.It may be the harrassment with rule of nature or God.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Causes Of Accident In Construction Site------Vol-2 (Unsafe Condition)

Most often it has been observed that most of the accidents occur due to unsafe conditions..i.e...job related causes.These job reated cause are oftento as "technical causes"

Some sources of the sane are as follows--

1) Machines: Ungurded mchines,defective condition of machines,lack of supervision, unsafe SOP. etc.

2) Equipments: Uninspected Equipments. 

3) Safety Provisions:In sufficient safety devices being use for carried out tne job.

4) Improper Working Conditions: In this some of the job which are inherently hazards..such as confind space job.

5) Psycological enviromeent: In this category workers perform their job abnormally due to mental agony,depression,tieredness, stress of job.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Causes Of Accidents In Construction Site

Generally a large number of factors causes of accidents .Each of This factors is different in different situation.It also may be include multiple causes but the basic cuses of factors of the accidents are" unsafe act" of the workers .

For Example--I am presenting a case study example of unsafe act" of the workers along with accident description" Useing of Mobile Headphones & Listining Music" during working.



         A 8 mtr casing was lifted by hydra with 2 very short taglines ... The operator was using Mobile Phone's Ear Phone and two other persons ( 1 Mechanic and 1 Rig Helper) also were travelling in the Hydra distracting the operator. The casing hit at right side front wheel once and started to turn (Slew) as it was a single leg wire rope sling. The helper  (Victim) started to pull the heavy load and the wheel drove over his feet first, he fell just before the wheel losing balance and finally the Hydra drove over his back and Head. The incident happened quite away from the site where there is no other noise but still operator couldn't hear the victim'sas he was using ear phone and it was too late when he stopped the Hydra.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Define Accidents In Construction Sites.

Accident:-  It is anwanted.undesired event which cant be anticippated in advance may be called as an accident.It is always a sudden process which stopps or hinders the systematic progress of work and loss of time & in construction site.

It is also defined an occurence which is causing injuries to a workmen makes unfit to resume  his duty with in 48 hours. called LTI (Loss Time Injury)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Any method or technique or process which can minimise unwanted events (accidents) in an industrial  called industrial safety.It is mainly concerned with minimising hazarda in industries.Hazards is a potential condition awaiting to be converted in to an unwanted event (accident).It is omni-present & all hazards are sorrounded by stablishing.It is the branch which is concorned with the reducing,controllin & eliminatind hazards.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Brief Of Safety & Its Importance In Contemporary Industrial

Safety Is Freedom from Harm & danger.This word also may be use in every work either it is being carried out home or any  indusrial organisation.entirly its object to identify the arrising hazards in every constructtion site & eliminate it by using HIRA,JSA.HAZOP,JHA,.

My aim to introduce those hazard to every one & wnt to share the same with my friends who are working in HSE field.